Friday, July 17, 2009


As usual, I'm mulling over a magnum opus on female rock stars.

I would really love to write a book on that subject, actually. Not at all in the lame, beaten-to-death WOMEN WHO ROCK!!!! vein, but rather in the Kicking Ass vein, a tragically under-explored arena. Patti Smith, of course, plus Kim Gordon, plus Stevie Nicks, Cyndia Lauper, no Pat Benetar because she boresboresbores me, '60s girl groups ("Egyptian Shumba"!), no Debbie Harry because are you serious?

I think what I'll start doing is writing lots of essays about rock and roll. One because I need to practice writing, and two because I can never stop thinking and wanting to talk about rock and roll, and/or women/feminism.

...expresso yourself

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